Article 116 II GG Lawyer
Restoration of German citizenship according to Article 116(2) of the German Basic Law (“GG”):
Law Offices of Annabelle Fischer handles naturalization claims, i.e. Reinstatement of German Citizenship, under Art 116 (2) of the German Basic Law. Under certain requirements, Art 116 (2) of the German Basic Law allows former German citizens who were deprived of their citizenship on political, racial, or religious grounds between January 30, 1933, and May 8, 1945, to reinvoke German citizenship. This also applies to their descendants. We assist our clients with the entire application process and work closely with the German Missions in the U.S. and the Bundesverwaltungsamt in Germany. To date we have a 100% success rate filing these claims for reinstatement of German citizenship.
§ 15 StAG German citizenship on grounds of restitution
With the entry into force of the 4th Citizenship Amendment Act on August 20, 2021, there are further options for obtaining German citizenship. This includes victims of Nazi persecution and their descendants within the scope of restoration, if they have suffered disadvantages in terms of nationality as a result of the persecution but do not meet the requirements of Article 116(2) of the German Basic Law (“GG”).

Basic Criteria to be Considered
Are you of German-Jewish heritage or do you have German ancestors of Jewish heritage who had to flee Germany during the Nazi regime?
When did you or your ancestors naturalize in the U.S. or in another country?
What documentation do you have related to your ancestors regarding their German descent and Jewish heritage, if any?
We prepare your application and our attorneys licensed in Germany and the U.S. file it for you directly with the Bundesverwaltungsamt located in Cologne, Germany. We will guide you through the entire process and will also obtain documents from the German archives, if necessary.
Contact us to schedule your consultation.